Extension Unit offers multicamera support for PXW-FS7 including Apple ProRes 422 encoding. While the PXW-FS7 XDCAM camera comes with internal XAVC and MPEG-2 recording on XQD media you can attach the optional XDCA-FS7 Extension Unit. The box is attachable via a MultiPin connector so there are no hassles about cables. The Extension Unit offers additional I/O connectors like Timecode and Genlock for multi-camera operation or the possibility to use common V-Mount batteries. It also allows RAW data output to record 12-bit RAW footage on the AXS-R5 (in combination with HXR-IFR5), or another third party RAW recorder via the FS RAW Interface. The XDCA-FS7 will encode the video stream into the Apple ProRes 422 codec, which is then recorded on to the internal XQD media.
The Extension Unit XDCA-FS7 can be connected directly to the PXW-FS7 XDCAM camera to enable the use of functions that support the operator's shooting style or workflow. The unit is attachable via a MultiPin connector so there are no hassles about cables. When using larger lenses, the Extension Unit will balance any possible front heaviness and increase the stability on the shoulder as well.
A built-in Full HD ProRes encoding function enables ProRes-format recording to an XQD card in the camera.
* Firmware update, early 2015.
The XDCA-FS7 needed for PXW-FS7 to record 12-bit RAW footage on the AXS-R5 (in combination with HXR-IFR5), or another third party RAW recorder.
Timecode and Genlock for multi-camera operation. The unit also provides power connection for additional accessories and or the possibility to use common V-Mount batteries..