Running Embedded Linux, KUMO routers are network-ready and support powerful HTTP control and monitoring via a web browser - without the need for any additional software.
KUMO's auto-detect Bonjour™/Zeroconf protocols mean that network configuration is automatic, just connect KUMO to your network or a computer and the system will self-configure, ready for use. Alternatively, standard network configuration allows access to each KUMO via its default IP address. Once connected to KUMO using a web browser, you can configure the full TCP/IP settings, select and name KUMO routers, name sources and destinations, and perform all operational functions.
KUMO routers are easily integrated with existing infrastructure utilizing the industry-standard Grass Valley Native Protocol over RS-422 or even Ethernet. Ethernet network connectivity also allows you to control all KUMO routers from any web browser on a network-connected device, ensuring you have the control you need from any location.